
Permanent preservation article

Fuckin' Korea!!

Koreans are very stupid. Many of them are anomalous and very warlike and dangerous!! Please keep away never.

Koreans often lie. They deceive others for their own benefit. And Koreans hurt others. Many of them are scammers.

Koreans falsify and forge history for their own benefit. And spread the distorted information. Be careful everyone! Don't be fooled!

Many Koreans are lazy. They hate labor. Korea has demanded an apology and reparation from Japan for the past 80 years. And they have avoided labor by getting compensation from Japan. Using the compensation received from Japan, they prospered the country.

https://i.postimg.cc/9Xgcj256/korea-to-trash.gif쓰레기는 쓰레기통에
Korea to trash box!
韓国なんて要らない(한국은 필요 없다)(Don't need Korea)

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